Sunday 29 March 2015

Weekend jobs - Saturday 28.03.2015

This weekend has been a productive one. I have been pottering around in the garden and then in the greenhouse when it started to rain. Here are some of the things I have done.

Yesterday I weeded this bed. I am slowly making my way round the garden doing some weeding every weekend. To be honest I wouldn't be that bothered if it were my own garden, but our landlord is adamant that we keep them at bay. Similarly, parts of the garden are quite bare and make the weeds more obvious, so hopefully once we get more stuff growing we can relax a bit with those dreaded weeds.

A couple of weeks ago I bought a couple of heather plants. I am worried that the one I bought in Autumn is either dying, or I have pruned it at the wrong time, so I thought I would get another two to keep it company as it is looking rather sorry for itself.

I had bought a couple of tulip pots at the garden centre last weekend. I still have a lot of learning to do in regards to what to plant with what and when, so it'll be through trial and error that I get this art down. In the meantime though, I decided to pot 2 anemones with one tulip pot, and plant the other bunch on tulips in a random spot.

I also planted some dianthus Doris in the front. I would like the front "garden" to look nice too, but there's so much concrete everywhere that I would have to invest in a lot of big pots, for example. My in-laws brought some violas as a gift today so I might plant those out around the dianthus.

Once it started raining I worked in the greenhouse a little. I repotted these geraniums. I was hoping to be able to have them outside soon,but the seed packet says they should be kept inside and then gradually harden them off late spring until they flower in June. I'm considering not growing them from seed next time; I think it was Alice over at The Edible Garden who considered only having perennial flowers and not annuals. I have not made up my mind yet but we will see.

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