Monday 3 August 2015

Weekend project: Replacing a shrub

After a period of several months hoping that this shrub would produce some new shoots, I finally accepted that it was dead. It saddened me as it is the first thing that has died which already belonged in the garden long before we moved in. As I broke it up, every single twig snapped easily and it was evident that it was dead. Digging it up was not easy, but I persevered and managed to get most of the root ball out.

When I looked at the space left, the shrub had taken quite a lot. Luckily I had recently bought some plants - no surprise there. I had also kept a choisya in the pot since I bought it from a small nursery in Gatley because I wasn't quite sure where to put it. I suppose I had an inkling that I would be doing some digging soon. I really like the end result and I hope the garden bugs do too. I had added a dahlia and a salvia to keep the choisya company. They seem to be getting on well for now.

I now have room at the front to plant smaller plants, or veg should I so feel inclined.  

The story behind getting a choisya is a typical Nat one. I had been listening to Elizabeth is missing on audiobook -you should read it, it's great- and the main character is reprimanded by digging up the choisya. I thought the sound of the plant was interesting and thought nothing of it.A week later, we went to a small nursery in Gatley where I bought some alpines. I went over to look at the shrubs and there I see a choisya. I decided to see it as a sign that I had to take her home with me. It strikes me as a she.

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