Sunday, 1 November 2015


We have had this orchid for at least 1.5 years. It bloomed, quite profusely, and then it did nothing for at least 6 months. I think we might have got it at a supermarket or as I gift, I can't remember, bu as it created some new leaves, I kept it and cut down the stem. Summer came around and still no signs of orchid reflowering -to be fair, I'm not quite sure what an orchid's life cycle is. My father-in-law recommended a mist he and my Nana-in-law use with their orchids to make them flower.

So, I tried that and I also put it in the bathroom, I thought the mist and humidity might help. It promptly -I think within a month or so, perhaps 6 weeks- it started to grow a new stem and from there it has produced a lot of blooms. I would like it to grow a second stem as it looked pretty with 2, but I am happy it has reflowered at all!

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