Sorry about my silence in the past few weeks. We moved and then did't have internet until a couple of days ago. We're happy in our new house, and the job is going swell. Life is much less stressful, which is great for my well-being and my different interests.
Here are some shots of our back yard. Quite different from the garden we have come from, but I am excited. I managed to bring a selection of plants I wanted to keep, but I am not sure how I want to arrange them. I would like to have a couple of iron tables maybe, to have some height. I would also love a cold-frame to put against the wall under the kitchen window. We are renting the house and so we can't alter the layout to gain more space.
I haven't decided what I want to do with the space or what I want to grow yet, I know I want to make it as wildlife-friendly as possible, grow some patio produce and also have some nice colour in the warmer months.
For now, though, I am just planning on cutting back that buddleia and investing in some stands to raise my pots so they don't crack over winter. We are, however, going to Tatton this weekend... I need to restrain myself, but sometimes you just can't resist!
The bins and boxes annoy me. The boxes I can keep in the garage, but I suppose I will need to leave the bins in that corner, much to my chagrin. 

I have taken up some space in the garage for my gardening storage. There is a window under which I have put my potting station; it also needs some organising, but we need to get rid of the empty cardboard boxes first!
This trellis is sadly broken. I would love to grow sweet peas up here in the summer, I might empty it and simply put plastic pots in there as the new soil would only pour out of the holes.
We have a tiny bed, but I doubt I can do anything other than underplant it with shade loving plants. I will clear it out if no wildlife seek refuge here. The only "wild" life that likes to pootle around my yard are neighbourhood cats. One even sleeps in the far corner for most of the day.
I have some smaller plants that I am considering bringing into the house over winter. The geraniums will also have to come in this weekend I think. However, I think I might have sowed the viola seeds too late as this is how they currently look... Hopefully I'll get some bloom over winter! They all come from seed I collected in the summer.
In the meantime, however, here are some snaps of colour to brighten the colder days.
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