Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Kitchen garden update

Although we haven't been grow much veg this year, I am really happy with what we have so far. We've collected a nice bunch of mange touts. I had originally sown 3 seeds directly, I think next time I'll start them off in the greenhouse and then I will put together some bamboo canes and help them climb up. This year only one germinated and I have made it go up the fence. Looks nice, though!

The peppers are coming on nicely. I have potted them on twice, and this third time I hope I don't have to move them again. We are going on holiday soon, so I thought I would move them now so they won't go thirsty.

I personally don't like courgettes, but my mother-in-law does. These are growing nicely. I also bought a cucumber seedling from a garden centre, not expecting much. However, it has thrived! With T's SMYG, however, I have wondered whether the flowers have been pollinated properly... I guess if it has produced fruit it will be ok.

We've had a bunch of strawberries. I am not worried about the plants as I know they produce more fruit the more established they are. It's their first year and I think I've managed to eat about 2 dozen, with some casualties fallen to slug attack. They tasted amazing, I ate them au natural, without cream. The smell was so sweet and mouth watering that it took all my self-restrain not to each them one by one as I picked them. I have started making new strawberry plants with the tendrils they send out. It might be quite rudementary, but I out them in a pot and bury them a little, I place a pebble or stone on the tendril so it does not move and wait for the stem to root. Once it is rooted - and you can tell because there is resistance when you pull the plant up - you can cut the tendril from the mother plant and it will survive on its own.

We've had some spinach and salad leaves. The spinach has now gone to seed, probably because it has been very hot, the salad leaves are on their way out now too, I might sow some more. I also directly sowed some lettuce. I should have thinned the lettuce out, but I felt bad!

The carrots, onions and kale are still growing. The kale has slowly been attacked by slugs, and I have seen white butterflies around. I have planted sage near the kale to deter the butterflies, but perhaps it's something I should have done before. I have enjoyed having the veg spread about the garden. It has filled it out majorly, and I love the dark green of kale.

I thinned out the carrots in the pot. I got quite worried because I spotted some black bugs on the carrot and wished it wasn't carrot fly. I hosed them down, and I planted some garlic as I know the bugs don't like the smell of it. I know it's not the season to plant it, but my plan seems to be working!


 I think next year I will plant more onions out. I have about 5 spread out the garden at the moment. I have a line of spring onion next to the lettuce, and I have also planted some in a pot that is sitting next to the potted carrots, also to act as a fly deterrent.

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