Friday, 5 June 2015

Weekend project: Strawberry "cage" for people who are renting

As someone who doesn't own their house but who enjoys pottering around in the garden and growing things, I don't really want to buy anything that involves cement, major digging, drilling, etc. So, when I planted my strawberry plants, I was faced with the conundrum of how I would protect my precious berries from those pesky birds. So, I gathered some netting, bricks, string and frames and I concocted a "protected area".

I placed it on the edge of a bed as the garden is tiered and slopes upwards. It's also paved quite a lot, as you can see in the photo below.

A couple of details that show how I put the frame and net together. I had visions of animals trying to struggle under the net, pull the net, etc. So I tried to make it as animal proof as possible both for my benefit and for theirs. I don't want anything getting trapped!

By tying the net to the back of the frame, I have made the fruit accessible only on one side. Granted I need to shift the bricks, but I don't mind doing that. As you can see, I have some hay (which I stole from The Pigs -the Guinea Pigs) and which I am using to keep the strawberries dry. Someone told me that if they are in direct contact with soil they can get spoiled, so I thought I would try placing hay in between to keep them nice and dry. Also, I saw the light when I friend said: "well, they are called straw-berries". That blew my mind!

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